- pyampact.performance.estimate_perceptual_parameters(f0_vals, pwr_vals, M, SR, hop, gt_flag)[source]
Estimates a range of performance parameters from the inputted fundamental frequency (f0_vales), power (pwr_vals), and spectrum estimates (M)
- Parameters:
f0_vals (np.ndarray) – A vector of fundamental frequency estimates.
pwr_vals (np.ndarray) – A vector of power values corresponding to the fundamental frequency estimates.
M (np.ndarray) – The spectral estimates from which the perceptual parameters will be derived.
SR (float) – The sample rate used to generate the fundamental frequency estimates.
hop (float) – The hop size used in the analysis, expressed in seconds.
gt_flag (bool) – A flag indicating whether to use ground truth information for the estimation.
- Returns:
pp1 (float) – The perceived pitch calculated using the entire vector of f0 estimates.
pp2 (float) – The perceived pitch calculated using the central 80% of f0 estimates.