.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
import numpy as np
import librosa
import warnings
__all__ = [
"ignore", message="Mean of empty slice.", category=RuntimeWarning)
def estimate_perceptual_parameters(f0_vals, pwr_vals, M, SR, hop, gt_flag):
Estimates a range of performance parameters from the inputted fundamental
frequency (f0_vales), power (pwr_vals), and spectrum estimates (M)
f0_vals : np.ndarray
A vector of fundamental frequency estimates.
pwr_vals : np.ndarray
A vector of power values corresponding to the fundamental frequency estimates.
M : np.ndarray
The spectral estimates from which the perceptual parameters will be derived.
SR : float
The sample rate used to generate the fundamental frequency estimates.
hop : float
The hop size used in the analysis, expressed in seconds.
gt_flag : bool
A flag indicating whether to use ground truth information for the estimation.
pp1 : float
The perceived pitch calculated using the entire vector of f0 estimates.
pp2 : float
The perceived pitch calculated using the central 80% of f0 estimates.
# Perceived pitch
res_ppitch = perceived_pitch(f0_vals, SR)
# Jitter
tmp_jitter = np.abs(np.diff(f0_vals))
res_jitter = np.mean(tmp_jitter)
# Vibrato rate and depth
mean_f0_vals = np.mean(f0_vals)
detrended_f0_vals = f0_vals - mean_f0_vals
res_vibrato_depth, res_vibrato_rate = calculate_vibrato(
detrended_f0_vals, SR / hop)
# Shimmer
tmp_shimmer = 10 * np.log10(pwr_vals[1:] / pwr_vals[0])
res_shimmer = np.mean(np.abs(tmp_shimmer))
res_pwr_vals = 10 * np.log10(pwr_vals)
res_f0_vals = f0_vals
if gt_flag:
M = np.abs(M) ** 2
# spectral bandwidth
res_spec_bandwidth = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(S=M)
res_mean_spec_bandwidth = np.mean(res_spec_bandwidth)
# Spectral Centroid
# S, phase = librosa.magphase(librosa.stft(y=y))
res_spec_centroid = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(S=M)
res_mean_spec_centroid = np.mean(res_spec_centroid)
# spectral contrast
res_spec_contrast = librosa.feature.spectral_contrast(S=M)
res_mean_spec_contrast = np.mean(res_spec_contrast)
# spectral flatness
res_spec_flatness = librosa.feature.spectral_flatness(S=M)
res_mean_spec_flatness = np.mean(res_spec_flatness)
# spectral rolloff
res_spec_rolloff = librosa.feature.spectral_rolloff(S=M)
res_mean_spec_rolloff = np.mean(res_spec_rolloff)
# Spectral Flatness
XLog = np.log(M + 1e-20)
res_spec_flat = np.exp(np.mean(XLog, axis=0)) / np.mean(M, axis=0)
res_spec_flat[np.sum(M, axis=0) == 0] = 0
res_mean_spec_flat = np.mean(res_spec_flat)
res = {
"ppitch": res_ppitch,
"jitter": res_jitter,
"vibrato_depth": res_vibrato_depth,
"vibrato_rate": res_vibrato_rate,
"shimmer": res_shimmer,
"pwr_vals": res_pwr_vals,
"f0_vals": res_f0_vals,
"spec_centroid": res_spec_centroid,
"mean_spec_centroid": res_mean_spec_centroid,
"spec_bandwidth": res_spec_bandwidth,
"mean_spec_bandwidth": res_mean_spec_bandwidth,
"spec_contrast": res_spec_contrast,
"mean_spec_contrast": res_mean_spec_contrast,
"spec_flatness": res_spec_flatness,
"mean_spec_flatness": res_mean_spec_flatness,
"spec_rolloff": res_spec_rolloff,
"mean_spec_rolloff": res_mean_spec_rolloff,
return res
def calculate_vibrato(note_vals, sr):
Calculate the vibrato depth and rate from a note's frequency signal.
note_vals : np.ndarray
The time-domain signal values of the note, typically a 1D array representing
the amplitude of the sound wave over time.
sr : int
The sampling rate of the signal in Hertz (samples per second).
vibrato_depth : float
The depth of the vibrato, calculated as twice the amplitude of the
dominant frequency component.
vibrato_rate : float
The rate of the vibrato, in Hertz (Hz), derived from the position of
the dominant frequency in the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
L = len(note_vals) # Length of signal
Y = np.fft.fft(note_vals) / L # Run FFT on normalized note vals
w = np.arange(0, L) * sr / L # Set FFT frequency grid
vibrato_depth_tmp, noteVibratoPos = max(abs(Y)), np.argmax(
abs(Y)) # Find the max value and its position
# Multiply the max by 2 to find depth (above and below zero)
vibrato_depth = vibrato_depth_tmp * 2
# Index into FFT frequency grid to find position in Hz
vibrato_rate = w[noteVibratoPos]
return vibrato_depth, vibrato_rate
def perceived_pitch(f0s, sr, gamma=100000):
Calculate the perceived pitch of a note based on
Gockel, H., B.J.C. Moore,and R.P. Carlyon. 2001.
Influence of rate of change of frequency on the overall
pitch of frequency-modulated Tones. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America. 109(2):701?12.
f0s : np.ndarray
Vector of fundamental frequency estimates, typically a 1D array
representing frequency values over time.
sr : int
The sampling rate of the f0 estimates in Hertz (Hz).
gamma : float, optional
A parameter that sets the relative weighting of quickly changing
versus slowly changing portions of notes. A high gamma value (e.g.,
1000000) gives more weight to slowly changing portions. Default is 100000.
pp1 : float
The perceived pitch using the entire vector of f0 estimates.
pp2 : float
The perceived pitch using the central 80% of f0 estimates.
# Remove all NaNs in the f0 vector
f0s = f0s[~np.isnan(f0s)]
# Calculate the rate of change (derivative)
deriv = np.diff(f0s) * sr
deriv = np.append(deriv, deriv[-1]) # Extend to match original length
# Weights based on inverse of rate of change
# Using np.clip to avoid division by zero for small values
weights = 1.0 / np.clip(np.abs(deriv), 1e-6, None)
weights /= np.sum(weights) # Normalize weights
# Calculate pp1: Weighted average of f0s based on smooth weights
pp1 = np.dot(f0s, weights)
# Calculate central 80% of the f0 vector
ord = np.argsort(f0s)
ind = ord[int(np.ceil(len(f0s) * 0.1)):int(np.floor(len(f0s) * 0.9))]
# pp2: Weighted average of central 80% of f0 estimates
pp2 = np.dot(f0s[ind], weights[ind]) / np.sum(weights[ind])
return pp1, pp2