Source code for pyampact.dataCompilation


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/

import numpy as np
import librosa
from pyampact.performance import estimate_perceptual_parameters
from pyampact.alignmentUtils import f0_est_weighted_sum_spec
from pyampact.symbolic import Score

__all__ = [

[docs] def data_compilation(nmat, audio_file, piece, output_path='./output.mei'): """ This function takes the results of the alignment and the note matrix and compiles the data into a JSON object that can be used to insert the audio analysis into the score. Parameters ---------- nmat : np.ndarray The note matrix containing information about notes, including their timing and duration. audio_file : str The path to the audio file associated with the performance data. piece : Score An instantiation of the original Score object containing the data input for the musical piece. output_path : str, optional The file path for the output MEI file. Defaults to './output.mei'. Returns ------- nmat : The note matrix with performance data appended. json_data : A JSON object containing the compiled data. xml_data : XML data representing the MEI output. """ y, original_sr = librosa.load(audio_file) all_note_vals = [] all_note_ids = [] for key, df in nmat.items(): df = df.drop(columns=['MEASURE', 'ONSET', 'DURATION', 'PART', 'MIDI']) midiList = np.array(nmat[key]['MIDI']) loc = 1 f0 = [] pwr = [] t = [] M = [] xf = [] note_vals = [] note_ids = [] for loc in range(len(df)): # Estimate f0 for a matrix (or vector) of amplitudes and frequencies [f0, pwr, t, M, xf] = f0_est_weighted_sum_spec( audio_file, df['ONSET_SEC'].iloc[loc], df['OFFSET_SEC'].iloc[loc], midiList[loc], y, original_sr) # Estimate note-wise perceptual values note_vals.append(estimate_perceptual_parameters( f0, pwr, M, original_sr, 256, 1)) note_ids.append(nmat[key].index[loc]) all_note_vals.append(note_vals) all_note_ids.append(note_ids) loc = 0 for key, df in nmat.items(): # Create new columns for each attribute df['f0Vals'] = [str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['f0_vals']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanf0'] = [np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['f0_vals']) for i in range(len(df))] df['ppitch1'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['ppitch'][0] for i in range(len(df))] df['ppitch2'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['ppitch'][1] for i in range(len(df))] df['jitter'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['jitter'] for i in range(len(df))] df['vibratoDepth'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['vibrato_depth'] for i in range(len(df))] df['vibratoRate'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['vibrato_rate'] for i in range(len(df))] df['pwrVals'] = [str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['pwr_vals']) for i in range(len(df))] df['shimmer'] = [all_note_vals[loc][i]['shimmer'] for i in range(len(df))] df['meanPwr'] = [np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['pwr_vals']) for i in range(len(df))] df['specCentVals'] = [str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_centroid']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanSpecCent'] = [ np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_centroid']) for i in range(len(df))] df['specBandwidthVals'] = [ str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_bandwidth']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanSpecBandwidth'] = [ np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_bandwidth']) for i in range(len(df))] df['specContrastVals'] = [ str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_contrast']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanSpecContrast'] = [ np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_contrast']) for i in range(len(df))] df['specFlatnessVals'] = [ str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_flatness']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanSpecFlatness'] = [ np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_flatness']) for i in range(len(df))] df['specRolloffVals'] = [ str(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_rolloff']) for i in range(len(df))] df['meanSpecRolloff'] = [ np.mean(all_note_vals[loc][i]['spec_rolloff']) for i in range(len(df))] loc += 1 meiOutput = piece.insertAudioAnalysis( output_path=output_path, data=nmat, mimetype='audio/aiff', target=audio_file) return nmat, meiOutput