Source code for pyampact.alignment


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    :toctree: generated/


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display

import sys
import os

from scipy.signal import spectrogram

from pyampact.alignmentUtils import orio_simmx, simmx, dp, maptimes

__all__ = [

[docs] def run_alignment(y, original_sr, piece, nmat, width=3, target_sr=4000, nharm=3, win_ms=100, hop=32, showSpec=False): """ Calls the DTW alignment function. :param y: Audio time series :param original_sr: original sample rate of audio :param piece: Score instance of symbolic data :param means: Mean values for each state :param covars: Covariance values for each state :param width: Width parameter (you need to specify this value) :param target_sr: Target sample rate (you need to specify this value) :param nharm: Number of harmonics (you need to specify this value) :param win_ms: Window size in milliseconds (you need to specify this value) :param hop: Number of samples between successive frames :param showSpec: Boolean to show the spectrogram :returns: - align: Dynamic time warping MIDI-audio alignment structure - on: onset times - off: offset times - midiNote: MIDI note numbers - dtw: Dict of dynamic time warping returns - M: map s.t. M(:,m) - MA/RA [p,q]: path from DP - S: similarity matrix - D: spectrogram - notemask: midi-note-derived mask - pianoroll: midi-note-derived pianoroll - spec: Spectrogram of the audio file - newNmat: updated DataFrame of nmat data """ # Normalize audio file y = y / np.sqrt(np.mean(y ** 2)) * 0.6 # Run DTW alignment align, spec, dtw, newNmat = run_DTW_alignment( y, original_sr, piece, 0.050, width, target_sr, nharm, win_ms, hop, nmat, showSpec) nmat = newNmat return align, dtw, spec, nmat
[docs] def run_DTW_alignment(y, original_sr, piece, tres, width, target_sr, nharm, win_ms, hop, nmat, showSpec): """ Perform a dynamic time warping alignment between specified audio and MIDI files. Returns a matrix with the aligned onset and offset times (with corresponding MIDI note numbers) and a spectrogram of the audio. :param y: Audio time series of audio :param original_sr: original sample rate of audio :param piece: Score instance of symbolic data :param tres: Time resolution for MIDI to spectrum information conversion. :param width: Width parameter (you need to specify this value) :param target_sr: Target sample rate (you need to specify this value) :param nharm: Number of harmonics (you need to specify this value) :param win_ms: Window size in milliseconds (you need to specify this value) :param showSpec: Boolean to show the spectrogram :returns: - align: Dynamic time warping MIDI-audio alignment structure - align.on: onset times - offset times - align.midiNote: MIDI note numbers - spec: Spectrogram of the audio file - dtw: Dict of dynamic time warping returns - M: map s.t. M(:,m) - MA/RA [p,q]: path from DP - S: similarity matrix - D: spectrogram - notemask: midi-note-derived mask - pianoroll: midi-note-derived pianoroll - nmat: updated DataFrame of nmat data """ m, p, q, S, D, M, N = align_midi_wav( piece, WF=y, sr=original_sr, TH=tres, ST=0, width=width, tsr=target_sr, nhar=nharm, hop=hop, wms=win_ms, showSpec=showSpec) dtw = { 'M': m, 'MA': p, 'RA': q, 'S': S, 'D': D, 'notemask': M, 'pianoroll': N } spec = dtw['D'] # Iterate through each key-value pair (dataframe) in the nmat dictionary for key, df in nmat.items(): # Filter out rows where MIDI column is not equal to -1.0 filtered_df = df[df['MIDI'] != -1.0] # Store the filtered dataframe in the filtered_nmat dictionary with the same key nmat[key] = filtered_df align = { 'nmat': nmat.copy(), 'on': np.empty(0), # Create an empty 1D array 'off': np.empty(0), # Create an empty 1D array 'midiNote': np.empty(0) # Create an empty 1D array } tres = 0.025 dtw['MA'] = np.array(dtw['MA']) * tres dtw['RA'] = np.array(dtw['RA']) * tres # loop through voices onset_sec = [] offset_sec = [] midi_notes = [] for key, df in nmat.items(): onset_sec = df['ONSET_SEC'].values offset_sec = df['OFFSET_SEC'].values midi_notes = df['MIDI'].values # combined_slice = np.column_stack((np.concatenate(onset_sec), np.concatenate(offset_sec))) combined_slice = [[on, off] for on, off in zip(onset_sec, offset_sec)] combined_slice = np.array(combined_slice) x = maptimes(combined_slice, dtw['RA'], dtw['MA']) # Assign 'on', 'off', and 'midiNote' values from nmat align['on'] = np.append(align['on'], x[:,0]) align['off'] = np.append(align['off'], x[:,1]) align['midiNote'] = np.append(align['midiNote'], midi_notes) spec = D # from align_midi_wav df.loc[:,'ONSET_SEC'] = x[:,0] df.loc[:,'OFFSET_SEC'] = x[:,1][df.index[0], 'ONSET_SEC'] = 0 # Set first value to 0 always return align, spec, dtw, nmat
[docs] def align_midi_wav(piece, WF, sr, TH, ST, width, tsr, nhar, wms, hop, showSpec): """ Align a midi file to a wav file using the "peak structure distance" of Orio et al. that use the MIDI notes to build a mask that is compared against harmonics in the audio :param MF: Score instance of symbolic data :param WF: Audio time series of file :param TH: is the time step resolution (default 0.050) :param ST: is the similarity type: 0 (default) is triangle inequality :param showSpec: Boolean to show the spectrogram :returns: - m: Is the map s.t. M(:,m) - [p,q]: Are the path from DP - S: The similarity matrix - D: Is the spectrogram - M: Is the midi-note-derived mask - N: Is Orio-style "peak structure distance" """ pianoRoll = piece.pianoRoll() # Construct N sampled_grid = [] for row in pianoRoll: sampled_grid.append(row) N = np.array(sampled_grid) # Calculate spectrogram fft_len = int(2**np.round(np.log(wms/1000*tsr)/np.log(2))) y = librosa.resample(WF, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=tsr) # Compute spectrogram D = np.abs(librosa.stft(y, n_fft=fft_len, hop_length=hop)) times = librosa.times_like(D, sr=sr, hop_length=hop) freqs = librosa.fft_frequencies(sr=sr, n_fft=fft_len) if showSpec == True: alignment_visualiser(D, times, freqs, showSpec=showSpec) M = piece.mask(sample_rate=tsr, num_harmonics=nhar, width=width, winms=wms) # Calculate the peak-structure-distance similarity matrix if ST == 0: S = orio_simmx(M, D) else: S = simmx(M, D) # Ensure no NaNs (only going to happen with simmx) S[np.isnan(S)] = 0 # Do the DP search #p, q, D_dp = dpmod(1 - S) p, q, D_dp = dp(1-S) m = np.zeros(D.shape[0], dtype=int) for i in range(D.shape[0]): if np.any(q == i): m[i] = p[np.min(np.where(q == i))] else: m[i] = 1 return m, p, q, S, D, M, N
[docs] def alignment_visualiser(audio_spec, times=None, freqs=None, fig=1, showSpec=True): """ Plots a gross DTW alignment overlaid with the fine alignment resulting from the HMM aligner on the output of YIN. Trace(1,:) is the list of states in the HMM, and trace(2,:) is the number of YIN frames for which that state is occupied. Highlight is a list of notes for which the steady state will be highlighted. :param audio_spec: Spectrogram of audio file :param freqs: Array of sample frequencies :param times: Array of segment times :return: Visualized spectrogram """ if (len(times) > 0 and len(freqs) > 0) and showSpec == True: plt.pcolormesh(times, freqs, 10 * np.log10(np.abs(audio_spec)), shading='auto') # Convert complex to real and take the magnitude plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.title('Alignment Spectrogram') plt.colorbar(label='Power/Frequency (dB/Hz)') else: # print("To show spectrogram, make sure to provide freqs/times matrices and set showSpec=True") return
def ifgram(audiofile, tsr, win_ms, showSpec=False): # win_samps = int(tsr / win_ms) # low-res win_samps = 2048 # Placeholder for now, default y, sr = librosa.load(audiofile) freqs, times, mags = librosa.reassigned_spectrogram(y=y, sr=tsr, n_fft=win_samps, reassign_frequencies=False) # Find the index of the maximum magnitude frequency bin for each time frame max_mag_index = np.argmax(mags, axis=0) # Extract the corresponding frequencies as f0 values f0_values = freqs[max_mag_index] # Calculate the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) D = librosa.stft(y) # Extract the magnitude and phase information mags_mat = np.abs(D) mags_db = librosa.amplitude_to_db(mags, ref=np.max) if showSpec == True: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True) img = librosa.display.specshow(mags_db, x_axis="s", y_axis="linear",sr=tsr, hop_length=win_samps//4, ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set(title="Spectrogram", xlabel=None) ax[0].label_outer() ax[1].scatter(times, freqs, c=mags_db, cmap="magma", alpha=0.1, s=5) ax[1].set_title("Reassigned spectrogram") fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.f dB") return freqs, times, mags, f0_values, mags_mat
[docs] def get_ons_offs(onsoffs): """ Extracts a list of onset and offset from an inputted 3*N matrix of states and corresponding ending times from AMPACT's HMM-based alignment algorithm :param onsoffs: A 3*N alignment matrix, the first row is a list of N states the second row is the time which the state ends, and the third row is the state index :returns: - res.ons: List of onset times - res.offs: List of offset times """ # Find indices where the first row is equal to 3 stopping = np.where(onsoffs[0] == 3)[0] # Calculate starting indices by subtracting 1 from stopping indices starting = stopping - 1 res = {'ons': [], 'offs': []} for i in range(len(starting)): res['ons'].append(onsoffs[1, starting[i]]) res['offs'].append(onsoffs[1, stopping[i]]) return res