.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
from pyampact.alignmentUtils import orio_simmx, simmx, dp, maptimes
from scipy import signal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display
import pandas as pd
import sys
import os
__all__ = [
def run_alignment(y, original_sr, piece, nmat, width=3, target_sr=4000, nharm=3, win_ms=100, hop=32, showSpec=False):
y : ndarray
Audio time series.
original_sr : int
Original sample rate of the audio file.
piece : Score
A `Score` instance containing the symbolic MIDI data.
means : ndarray
Mean values for each state in the alignment process.
covars : ndarray
Covariance values for each state in the alignment process.
width : float
Width parameter for the DTW alignment.
target_sr : int
Target sample rate for resampling the audio (if needed).
nharm : int
Number of harmonics to include in the analysis.
win_ms : float
Window size in milliseconds for the analysis.
hop : int
Number of samples between successive frames.
showSpec : bool
If True, displays the spectrogram of the audio.
align : dict
MIDI-audio alignment structure from DTW containing:
- 'on': Onset times of the notes.
- 'off': Offset times of the notes.
- 'midiNote': MIDI note numbers corresponding to the aligned notes.
dtw : dict
A dictionary of DTW returns, including:
- 'M': The map such that M[:,m] corresponds to the alignment.
- 'MA': Path from dynamic programming (DP) for MIDI-audio alignment.
- 'RA': Path from DP for real audio alignment.
- 'S': Similarity matrix used in the alignment process.
- 'D': Spectrogram of the audio.
- 'notemask': The MIDI-note-derived mask used in the alignment.
spec : ndarray
Spectrogram of the audio file.
newNmat : DataFrame
Updated DataFrame containing the note matrix (nmat) data after alignment.
This function leverages DTW to align MIDI note information with the time series audio signal.
It computes onset and offset times and updates the alignment using a similarity matrix.
Optionally, it can display the audio spectrogram for visual analysis.
# Normalize audio file
y = y / np.sqrt(np.mean(y ** 2)) * 0.6
# Run DTW alignment
spec, dtw, newNmat = run_DTW_alignment(
y, original_sr, piece, 0.025, width, target_sr, nharm, win_ms, hop, nmat, showSpec)
nmat = newNmat
return dtw, spec, nmat
def run_DTW_alignment(y, original_sr, piece, tres, width, target_sr, nharm, win_ms, hop, nmat, showSpec):
Perform a dynamic time warping (DTW) alignment between an audio file and its corresponding MIDI file.
This function returns the aligned onset and offset times with corresponding MIDI note numbers,
as well as the spectrogram of the audio and other DTW-related data.
y : ndarray
Audio time series of the file.
original_sr : int
Original sample rate of the audio file.
piece : Score
A `Score` instance containing the symbolic (MIDI) data.
tres : float
Time resolution for MIDI-to-spectrum information conversion.
width : float
Width parameter for the DTW alignment.
target_sr : int
Target sample rate for resampling the audio (if needed).
nharm : int
Number of harmonics to include in the analysis.
win_ms : float
Window size in milliseconds for analysis.
hop : int
Number of samples between successive frames for analysis.
nmat : DataFrame
DataFrame containing note matrix (nmat) data before alignment.
showSpec : bool
If True, displays the spectrogram of the audio file.
align : dict
MIDI-audio alignment structure from DTW containing:
- 'on': Onset times of the notes.
- 'off': Offset times of the notes.
- 'midiNote': MIDI note numbers corresponding to the aligned notes.
spec : ndarray
Spectrogram of the audio file.
dtw : dict
A dictionary of DTW returns, including:
- 'M': The map such that M[:,m] corresponds to the alignment.
- 'MA/RA': Path from dynamic programming (DP) for MIDI-audio alignment.
- 'S': Similarity matrix used in the alignment process.
- 'D': Spectrogram of the audio.
- 'notemask': The MIDI-note-derived mask used in the alignment.
- 'pianoroll': MIDI-note-derived piano roll.
nmat : DataFrame
Updated DataFrame containing the note matrix (nmat) data after alignment.
p, q, S, D, M = align_midi_wav(
piece, WF=y, sr=original_sr, TH=tres, ST=0, width=width, tsr=target_sr, nhar=nharm, hop=hop, wms=win_ms, showSpec=showSpec)
dtw = {
'MA': p,
'RA': q,
'S': S,
'D': D,
'notemask': M,
# Avoid log(0) by replacing with smallest nonzero value
D[D == 0] = np.min(D[D > 0])
if showSpec == True:
# Plot spectrogram
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.imshow(20 * np.log10(D), aspect='auto',
origin='lower', cmap='gray_r')
plt.clim(np.max(20 * np.log10(D)) + np.array([-50, 0]))
# Zoom in to see the detail
maxcol = min(1000, min(M.shape[1], D.shape[1]))
plt.xlim([0, maxcol])
plt.ylim([0, D.shape[0]])
spec = dtw['D']
dtw['MA'] = np.array(dtw['MA']-1)*tres
dtw['RA'] = np.array(dtw['RA']-1)*tres
dtw['RA'] = dtw['RA'] * 1/2
# loop through voices
onset_sec = []
offset_sec = []
for key, df in nmat.items():
onset_sec = df['ONSET_SEC'].values
offset_sec = df['OFFSET_SEC'].values
onsOffs = np.array([[on, off]
for on, off in zip(onset_sec, offset_sec)])
maskLength = M.shape[1] * tres
factor = maskLength / onsOffs.max()
onsOffs = onsOffs * factor
onsOffs = np.round(onsOffs, decimals=3)
x = maptimes(onsOffs, dtw['MA'], dtw['RA'])
df.loc[:, 'ONSET_SEC'] = x[:, 0]
df.loc[:, 'OFFSET_SEC'] = x[:, 1]
df.at[df.index[0], 'ONSET_SEC'] = 0 # Set first value to 0 always
return spec, dtw, nmat
def align_midi_wav(piece, WF, sr, TH, ST, width, tsr, nhar, wms, hop, showSpec):
Align a midi file to a wav file using the "peak structure
distance" of Orio et al. that use the MIDI notes to build
a mask that is compared against harmonics in the audio
piece : Score
A `Score` instance containing the symbolic MIDI data.
WF : ndarray
Audio time series of the WAV file.
sr : int
Sampling rate of the audio file.
TH : float
Time step resolution, typically in seconds (default is 0.050).
ST : int
Similarity type; 0 (default) uses the triangle inequality.
width : float
Width of the mask for the analysis.
tsr : int
Target sample rate for resampling the audio (if needed).
nhar : int
Number of harmonics to include in the mask.
wms : float
Window size in milliseconds.
hop : int
Hop size for the analysis window.
showSpec : bool
If True, displays the spectrogram.
m : ndarray
The map such that M[:,m] corresponds to the alignment.
path : tuple of ndarrays
[p, q], the path from dynamic programming (DP) that aligns the MIDI and audio.
S : ndarray
The similarity matrix used for alignment.
D : ndarray
The spectrogram of the audio.
M : ndarray
The MIDI-note-derived mask, including harmonic information if available.
# Calculate spectrogram
fft_len = int(2**np.round(np.log(wms/1000*tsr)/np.log(2)))
ovlp = round(fft_len - TH*tsr)
# y = librosa.resample(WF, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=tsr)
y = signal.resample(WF, int(len(WF) * tsr / sr))
freqs, times, D = signal.stft(y, fs=tsr, window='hamming',
nperseg=fft_len, noverlap=ovlp, nfft=fft_len)
D = np.abs(D)
# Normalize D
D_max = np.max(D)
if D_max != 0:
D = D / D_max
times = librosa.times_like(D, sr=tsr, hop_length=hop)
freqs = librosa.fft_frequencies(sr=tsr, n_fft=fft_len)
if showSpec == True:
alignment_visualiser(D, times, freqs, showSpec=showSpec)
M = piece.mask(sample_rate=tsr, num_harmonics=nhar,
width=width, winms=wms, obs=24)
# Calculate the peak-structure-distance similarity matrix
if ST == 1:
S = orio_simmx(M, D)
S = simmx(M, D)
# Ensure no NaNs (only going to happen with simmx)
S[np.isnan(S)] = 0
p, q, D, phi = dp(1-S)
# Add harms to nmat
harm = piece.harm(snap_to=M, output='series')
if not harm.isna().all():
M = pd.concat((M, harm))
return p, q, S, D, M
def alignment_visualiser(audio_spec, times=None, freqs=None, fig=1, showSpec=True):
Visualizes the dynamic time warping (DTW) alignment.
audio_spec : ndarray
Spectrogram of the audio file to be visualized.
times : ndarray, optional
Array of segment times corresponding to the audio spectrogram. If not provided, defaults to None.
freqs : ndarray, optional
Array of sample frequencies corresponding to the audio spectrogram. If not provided, defaults to None.
fig : int, optional
Figure number for the plot. Default is 1.
showSpec : bool, optional
If True, displays the spectrogram overlayed with the alignment information. Default is True.
The visualized spectrogram plot with DTW alignment overlays.
if (len(times) > 0 and len(freqs) > 0) and showSpec == True:
# Convert complex to real and take the magnitude
plt.pcolormesh(times, freqs, 10 *
np.log10(np.abs(audio_spec)), shading='auto')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.title('Alignment Spectrogram')
plt.colorbar(label='Power/Frequency (dB/Hz)')
# plt.show()
# print("To show spectrogram, make sure to provide freqs/times matrices and set showSpec=True")
def ifgram(audiofile, tsr, win_ms, showSpec=False):
Compute the instantaneous frequency (IF) spectrogram of an audio file using
the reassigned spectrogram and Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
audiofile : str
Path to the audio file to be analyzed.
tsr : int
Target sample rate of the audio signal.
win_ms : float
Window size in milliseconds for spectral analysis.
showSpec : bool, optional
If True, displays the spectrogram of the reassigned spectrogram. Default is False.
freqs : ndarray
Reassigned frequency bins of the spectrogram.
times : ndarray
Time frames corresponding to the spectrogram.
mags : ndarray
Magnitudes of the reassigned spectrogram.
f0_values : ndarray
Fundamental frequency estimates for each time frame.
mags_mat : ndarray
Magnitude matrix from the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT).
# win_samps = int(tsr / win_ms) # low-res
win_samps = 2048 # Placeholder for now, default
y, sr = librosa.load(audiofile)
freqs, times, mags = librosa.reassigned_spectrogram(y=y, sr=tsr,
n_fft=win_samps, reassign_frequencies=False)
# Find the index of the maximum magnitude frequency bin for each time frame
max_mag_index = np.argmax(mags, axis=0)
# Extract the corresponding frequencies as f0 values
f0_values = freqs[max_mag_index]
# Calculate the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT)
D = librosa.stft(y)
# Extract the magnitude and phase information
mags_mat = np.abs(D)
mags_db = librosa.amplitude_to_db(mags, ref=np.max)
if showSpec == True:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
img = librosa.display.specshow(
mags_db, x_axis="s", y_axis="linear", sr=tsr, hop_length=win_samps//4, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set(title="Spectrogram", xlabel=None)
ax[1].scatter(times, freqs, c=mags_db, cmap="magma", alpha=0.1, s=5)
ax[1].set_title("Reassigned spectrogram")
fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.f dB")
# plt.show()
return freqs, times, mags, f0_values, mags_mat
def get_ons_offs(onsoffs):
Extract onset and offset times from a 3*N alignment matrix generated by AMPACT's
HMM-based alignment algorithm.
onsoffs : ndarray
A 3*N alignment matrix where:
- The first row contains N states.
- The second row contains the corresponding ending times for each state.
- The third row contains the state indices.
res : dict
A dictionary containing:
- 'ons': List of onset times.
- 'offs': List of offset times.
# Find indices where the first row is equal to 3
stopping = np.where(onsoffs[0] == 3)[0]
# Calculate starting indices by subtracting 1 from stopping indices
starting = stopping - 1
res = {'ons': [], 'offs': []}
for i in range(len(starting)):
res['ons'].append(onsoffs[1, starting[i]])
res['offs'].append(onsoffs[1, stopping[i]])
return res